All clients are required to have a current Materials Transfer Agreement between a Principal Invesigator at their respective Institution and the NIH Tetramer Core Facility. Please note that the MTA policy is different for non-profit clients, for-profit clients, and non-profit clients with funding from for-profit sources. 
Non-profit clients must complete our standardized MTA, which can be downloaded from our website. This registration only needs to be done once, as long as the PI remains at the same institution.

Commercial clients are required to complete a separate MTA which is individually drafted by NIH for the specific client and reagents being requested. Upon review of your request by the Tetramer Resource Committee (TRC), you will be contacted to begin the process of drafting this specialized document. 
Non-profit clients requesting tetramer reagents for research being funded by for-profit/commercial organizations should complete the Non-profit Registration Form as soon as possible (eg. when submitting your request), and upon review and follow-up of your request by the TRC, may also be required to complete a commercial MTA. However, this determination will not occur until after the review of your request. 

New clients or those renewing their registration can send a PDF of the completed and signed MTA/Registration Form to:

NOTE: Faxed forms or forms without the original signatures will not be accepted.

Please contact Dale Long (404-727-8117 or if you have any questions regarding the registration process.