T Takaki, SM Lieberman, TM Holl, B Han, P Santamaria, DV Serreze, TP DiLorenzo. (2004) " Requirement for both H-2Db and H-2Kd for the induction of diabetes by the promiscuous CD8+ T cell clonotype AI4. " J Immunol 173. 2530-41 PMID: 15294969 | Abstract and Keywords
SM Lieberman, T Takaki, B Han, P Santamaria, DV Serreze, TP DiLorenzo. (2004) " Individual nonobese diabetic mice exhibit unique patterns of CD8+ T cell reactivity to three islet antigens, including the newly identified widely expressed dystrophia myotonica kinase. " J Immunol 173. 6727-34 PMID: 15557165 | Abstract and Keywords