T Kobezda, S Ghassemi-Nejad, TT Glant, K Mikecz. (2012). " In vivo two-photon imaging of T cell motility in joint-draining lymph nodes in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis. " Cell Immunol. 278, 158-65. PMID: 23023071 DOI: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2012.08.003
Recent imaging studies on intact lymph nodes (LNs) of naïve T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic mice have reported that T cells reduce their motility upon contact with relevant antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Using in vivo two-photon imaging of T cells in joint-draining (JD) LNs, we examined whether similar changes in T cell motility are observed in wild type mice. Co-transfer of T cells from naïve mice and antigen-experienced T cells from mice with proteoglycan (PG)-induced arthritis into naïve or arthritic recipients resulted in prolonged interactions of antigen-experienced T cells with APCs upon intra-articular antigen (PG) injection, indicating that T cells from arthritic wild type mice recapitulate the motile behavior reported in naïve TCR-transgenic mice. However, naïve T cells also engaged in stable interactions with APCs in the JDLNs of arthritic recipients, suggesting an enhanced ability of APCs in the JDLNs of arthritic hosts to present antigen to either naïve or antigen-experienced T cells