A Hoji, CR Rinaldo. (2005). " Human CD8+ T cells specific for influenza A virus M1 display broad expression of maturation-associated phenotypic markers and chemokine receptors. " Immunology. 115, 239-45. PMID: 15885130 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2005.02135.x
To define the role of memory T cells in a non-persistent viral infection, we have delineated the phenotype of memory CD8+ T cells specific for influenza A virus (FluA; matrix protein M158-66) based on the expression of several memory/effector lineage markers and relevant chemokine receptors. We found a majority of FluA-specific CD8+ T cells expressed CD27 and CD28, and variably expressed CD45RA, CD62L, CD94 and granzyme A. A majority of FluA-specific CD8+ T cells expressed high levels of CXCR3, and moderate levels of CCR5 and CXCR4, whereas a limited proportion expressed CCR7, CCR6 and CXCR5. A phenotypic profile based on these observations showed that there are both immature and mature memory CD8+ T cells specific for FluA.